Purpose: To meet the medical healthcare needs of individuals and to promote the health of the community people.
Looking forward to: To support complete orphan, Groundless people, Homeless, Deprived, Uncared, Exploited, Prisoners Released after serving their Sentences, Mentally Challenging, community children, youth And people. and not able to take care of the medical health check-up.

Service work:
- People from street and community level
- Abandoned/Orphan/Single/Home Alone children, youth and people.
- Children, Youth and People begging on street.
- Community Children, Youth and people
- Abused background youth & people, Prisoners released after serving their sentences.
- Neglected and vulnerable children, youth and people
- Components of health care
- Good Health and Well Being
- Medical Health Check-up
- Awareness of Vaccination & Diseases
- Support For Health Fitness
- Security and Safety
- Responsive Care Giving

- Intervention
- Basic need : General medical health check-up, for the age group of 0 years to above
- Development: Good health and well-being, decline in deaths, healthier mother and babies, family planning, control infectious diseases, safer community and workplaces.
- Care and protection: Safety tips,
- Mentoring : Health and hygiene awareness skill sessions and Counselling
- Support : Hospitalization, medical & medicine support, financial management
- Connecting with local recourses and schemes
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